Frequently Asked Questions
This is a list of common questions that our clients ask. If you don’t find your answer here, please email your question to us. We will respond to your question as soon as possible, usually the same day.
When should I contact you to book a celebration?
Please contact our office as soon as the date for the celebration is set by your principal or pastor. Our customer service representative will look after all of the details for you. We require a minimum of four weeks notice for gown rentals.
How should I take measurements for the gowns?
Measure the students from head to toe. Students should be wearing the same shoes they plan to wear for the celebration. Using the appropriate Milestones form, write in the student’s name, and place a checkmark in the appropriate height column. If you have a colour choice, please mark it too!
Fax or email completed forms to our office at least three weeks prior to the celebration.
What happens on the day of the celebration?
Unless otherwise instructed, our representative will arrive one hour before the celebration begins to distribute the gowns, and remain to collect gowns when the celebration ends.
Gowns should be returned as soon as possible following the celebration or photos.